Sunday, July 8, 2012

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Surrender to the frustration it? Hai Deng smiled and said: Ling Lun!
Everything is not absolutely pure, but you have me, I have you, which is justice, not force. The so-called positive, but basically in line with justice, but also some of the negative factors mixed up. not finished, I interrupted and said: Hai Deng together even a sigh: said, seated in they begin by quickly, with the Fine into an atheistic my nothingness world.
I am free in the nothingness of the world I do not know how long,oakley ripcord backpack, until the sea-lamp I eat I did not wake up back to reality.
Hai Deng smiled and said: I am an atheist, I just scriptures calm scriptures What do you mean I do not know. masters do not bother about the mind. Chiba Fan, Hai Deng, holding the plate out I have to understand the scriptures in the hut. I do not quite the solution, but still try to understand, after all, you can not wash the dishes.
Outside had been darkness fell, I walked up and down, hands behind the hut and it is unknown Bai Jingwen mean ages, Hai Deng came back to him sitting cross-legged on the futon, and asked: shaking his head, tell the sea light,oakley conduct squared, I do not understand the sea lights do not do, said abruptly: light hands together even eloquently said: I am speechless, kind of feel cheated, even though the sea lights pointing me not want to put the right way so perfect. Cunning light of the sea! Up while I relax and go to preaching no way, Hai Deng said the near-perfect , so I can not find a reason to fight back and had to choose silence.

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